Subj : htick To : apam From : Al Date : Sat Nov 07 2020 04:48 pm Hello apam, ap> Is anyone familiar with htick from the husky project? Yes, I use htick here. ap> I'm wanting to use it to import tic files into my BBS, I see it moves ap> files in a specified directory, but is there a hook to call something ap> to add it to the file database? I think there probably is but I haven't looked into that. ap> At present it's looking like I will have to scan each file directory ap> and add files missing from the database by importing their ap> descriptions from file_id.diz. Htick will add files it tosses to the files.bbs. It will take descriptions from a file_id.diz if there is one or from LDesc lines if there are any and last it will get the description from the Desc line in the tic. If it gets the description from the Desc line the description will be on one long line. ap> I was hoping there was a hook that went something along the lines of ap> "importing this file with this description into this area" so I could ap> use the description from the tic file. I know it will create a files.bbs with whatever description it finds so you could import files found there but you have to go looking for them. There are hooks for nodelist that might be usable also but I haven't used them and I don't know off hand how they work. Ttyl :-), Al --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106) .