Subj : Re: RCS Animated Prompts To : paulie420 From : Black Panther Date : Tue Nov 17 2020 09:50 pm On 17 Nov 2020, 07:24p, paulie420 said the following... pa> BP> Keep an eye out for a new release. :) pa> pa> Great job, BP. Its awesome all the work you're doing on the things.. Well, I don't watch TV, so I just crank the music, and code on the computer. It keeps the mind active. (the coding, I'm not sure the music doesn't much for keeping the mind active...) Making Monsters - Five Finger Death Punch --- Black Panther(RCS) aka Dan Richter Castle Rock BBS telnet:// The sparrows are flying again... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/11/06 (Linux/64) * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - (21:1/186) .