Subj : Re: Adding a TZUTC Kludge? To : Spectre From : Warpslide Date : Mon Mar 08 2021 10:33 am *** Quoting Spectre from a message to Warpslide *** Sp> @TZUTC: 1000 Sp> @NOTE: IceEdit 2.35 a00000 Sp> mv msgtmp Sp> type kludge.txt > MSGTMP Sp> type >> MSGTMP Sp> exit I saw after the fact that you're using IceEdit as well, so I knew this should work, and it seems to. If all has gone according to plan, this message *should* have a TZUTC & CHRS kludge. @ECHO OFF C: CD \TELEGARD\DOORS\IEDIT ICEEDIT.EXE /D:C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1 REN C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1\MSGTMP MSGTMP.NEW TYPE C:\TELEGARD\KLUDGE.TXT > C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1\MSGTMP TYPE C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1\MSGTMP.NEW >> C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1\MSGTMP DEL C:\TELEGARD\TEMP%1\MSGTMP.NEW Now I just have to finangle a way of updating that KLUDGE.TXT file twice a year for daylight saving time. Looks like the time is changing on the 14th for us from -5 to -4. Thanks so much, that's very clever and helpful. I never would have thought of adding it that way. Jay .... There are no answers, only cross-references! --- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Northern Realms | 289-424-5180 | (21:3/110) .