Subj : Basic script help To : Avon From : Vorlon Date : Sun Aug 01 2021 07:21 pm Hello Avon! 01 Aug 21 15:27, you wrote to all: Av> What I want to do is run something at Agency so when new files land in Av> my inbound a .sh script is run and tests are performed such that if Av> it's a Galactic Dynasty file then the script runs GD maint, if it's a Av> For Honour file it runs FH maint etc.. you get the idea. That's easy. Just something like this in your binkd.config will the trick. exec "/pathtoscript/" /husky/inbound.sec/*.[gG][aA][lL] Vorlon --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Dragon's Lair BBS, Telnet: (21:1/195) .