Subj : Re: MakeNL on Linux To : Warpslide From : acn Date : Sat Sep 11 2021 09:57 am Am 08.09.21 schrieb Warpslide@21:3/110 in FSX_BBS: Hallo Warpslide, W> This is awesome, thanks so much Anna. No problem! :) ac>> arccopy Z zip -j9o ac>> arcmove Z zip -j9mo W> Would it be these lines that create the .Z## file that's distributed? Normally, yes. I have this comment in my makenl.ctl: ; always compress (0), don't create diff: ;threshold 0 -1 I have to re-read the documentation, but I guess enabling the threshold line would normally create the .Z## files via makenl. But I've put this part into my script. ac>> I've created a shell script around all this which runs makenl, creates ac>> the .zip files, adds it to the Synchronet filebase and hatches it to ac>> the fileecho. W> Or this is where the .Z## is made? In my case, yes. I don't remember at the moment why I've used this way, but there has been a reason :) ac>> This script is run via a cronjob every friday in the morning. ac>> If of interest, I can post this script. W> I wouldn't mind having a gander, please & thanks. My script looks like this: -------------< >-------------- #!/bin/bash # first: run makenl to create new nodelist if ! makenl; then echo "MakeNL error!" exit 1 fi # get latest nodelist file and create ZIP filename nlfile=$(ls ./output/WEEDNET.[0-9]* -rt|tail -1) nlfile=$(basename $nlfile) zipname=${nlfile/\.[0-9]/.Z} day=${nlfile##*.} year=$(date +%Y) # create ZIP file: # -j: ignore directories # -9: max compression # -o: zip filedate = latest filedate in archive zip -j9o ./output/${zipname} ./output/${nlfile} # copy to SBBS filebase, add it fo filebase and hatch it: cp ./output/${zipname} /sbbs/files/weednet/nodelist SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl /sbbs/exec/addfiles weednet_nodelist ${zipname} "WeedNet nodelist for day ${day}/${year}" /sbbs/exec/jsexec /sbbs/exec/hatchit-acn.js -dir=WEEDNET_NODELIST - file=${zipname} -area=WEEDNET-NODELIST -origin=420:2/1 # copy the nodelist to SBBS nodelist directory: cp ./output/${nlfile} /sbbs/data/nodelist/ -------------< >-------------- The most complicated part of the script is the filename creation part where I've used some bash string mangling functions :) Regards, Anna --- OpenXP 5.0.50 * Origin: Imzadi Box Point (21:3/127.1) .