Subj : CRBBS Projects To : paulie420 From : Black Panther Date : Tue Nov 16 2021 11:04 am Hello paulie420! 15 Nov 21 17:07, you wrote to me: BP>> You need to stop by more often. ;) BP>> BP>> I do have 'part 1' of the updates live on CRBBS now. It's a BP>> simple bot check. (Press Escape twice to continue) pa> I'll run by and see. There used to be a hidden.... :P There still is, but they aren't in there. ;) You should have seen the new additions when you logged in. BP>> I'm still having a bit of an issue with the new prompts... For BP>> some reason, every once and awhile the .mpx file will get renamed BP>> to (conflicted).mpx. I keep trying to track down the reason for BP>> it, but it's been too random so far... pa> Oh, I might know this one... whats the .mps called? SOMETIMES, I think pa> when g00 names his prompts something like... _prompts.mps, mplc would pa> fail at times unless you renamed it to altprompts.mps.... but you pa> prolly know all about this Linux issue. They aren't prompts, in the Mystic sense. They are the login alias and password prompts within an mpl. The filename is rcslogin.mps and rcslogin.mpx. I wish I could get it to reproduce the problem so I can track down the issue. I do have them live on CRBBS, but haven't noticed any problems there. Maybe the issue was unintentionally fixed? :/ BP>> Also, the new user application will now check the trashcan.dat BP>> file, and also verify the passwords are following the policies BP>> that have been set in Mystic. BP>> BP>> I'm going to try to get all of these online by the end of today. BP>> :) pa> Ahh neat; yer application process is FULLY moving over to MPL then? pa> Thats cool - I like playing with those connect, startup or apply.mps pa> ones... they are super neat. The apply one WOULD be cool if it were pa> somewhere users could see it running... w/o the write lines or pa> something. NO worries rush or even asking... but I'll have to apply pa> when yer done. :P Oh, that could be done easily. I'm not sure I'll be able to get it today, as I'm going to have to leave soon for work. It would just be a matter of commenting out one line of code. ;) Black Panther .... Confront reality - Not drugs --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Exploring other frontiers! (21:1/186) .