Subj : BBS Software for the Amiga To : All From : Intangybles Date : Wed Jan 05 2022 02:50 pm Hello all, And I do hope this is correct place for such a question? I am after some advise / guidance / suggestions for the best BBS option to run on an Amiga and / or for Amiga Based clients. While loving "Mystic" and we shall be keeping this system regardless we have had great issue with client compatibility when connecting from Amiga based clients. Seeing that our club / group is predominantly Amiga based I have been asked the question about our Amiga BBS options. I never ran a BBS on an Amiga - evn=en though it was always my system of choice - I have only ever had experience running on CP/M, DOS and Unix. All input greatly appreciated! Intangybles (Mark, Sysop ARBBS) --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/64) * Origin: Amiga Retro Brisbane BBS (21:4/170) .