Subj : Re: BBS Software for the Amiga To : Intangybles From : Bucko Date : Thu Jan 06 2022 07:39 pm On 06 Jan 2022, Intangybles said the following... In> In> Thanks for the reply! I have joined the CNet BBS and am awaiting a reply. In> In> On the Mystic front - what platform do you run it on? and do you have In> issues with connected Amiga users? In> In> Mark. I run my Mystic in a Windows 10 Virtual Machine.. No issues at all with Amiga users, JR Comm, Terminus, (both of which I used to use when I owned an Amiga) work fine with it as I have used them to connect. Any term program that supports ANSI will work fine. So no issues.. :) Al .... "No comment" is a comment. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: The Wrong Number Family Of BBS' - Wrong Number ][ (21:4/131) .