Subj : BBS Software for the Amiga To : Bucko From : Vorlon Date : Wed Jan 26 2022 09:53 am Hello Bucko! 07 Jan 22 19:22, you wrote to me: Vo>> In> on my web hosting server under a user account so far! Vo>> Vo>> There you will run into into issues. I've tried a number of times Vo>> to do remote headless on Amiga systems and the mouse movement has Vo>> always been a very frustrating time. Vo>> Bu> I agree with Vorlon, another way to look at what you are trying to do Bu> here, is running a Emulator inside a Virtual Machine which is Bu> basically and emulator.. WinUAE has a switch for the mouse but to be Bu> honest, it is just not worth the aggravation of trying to get the Bu> mouse to work perfect. I run my CNet Amiga on a dedicated machine, I Bu> picked it up for $30 on eBay as a lease turn in. You can get away with Bu> an Pentium 4 if needed, mine is an i3 with 4 gigs of ram 240 meg SSD.. Bu> I run WinUAE in Windows 10, and emulate a A4000 with maxed out Bu> peripherals (Memory, video etc.) It's super fast and runs real well. Bu> You might want to look at doing it that way, you can use the Bu> machine headless if you want, I dial into mine via RealVNC and have NO Bu> issues at all. RDP is another story, when you exit RDP it will reset Bu> WinUAE thus killing the BBS.. Hope that helps a little.. Yeah. I just wish there was a *working* vnc etc, server for the Amiga. There are clients, but I don't want a client on the Amiga. I want to control the Amiga from another machine. I have used KVM's before, but the Amiga keyboard isn't like a PC keyboard, so the only thing that gets switched is the Display. Speaking of Winuae and BBS's. How does the networking to the BBS work? I use/used a real TCP/IP stack on the Amiga (Easynet [Amitcp], Miami, Genesis. Do they work under the *uae's or is it just the bsd.socket option used? How does the server side get it's ip address, and accept connections etc? Vorlon --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: \/orlon Empire: Sector 550 (21:1/195.1) .