Subj : Re: TradeWars 2002 in Dosemu on Linux To : Nightfox From : Zero Reader Date : Sun Jun 05 2022 09:59 am On 03 Jun 2022, Nightfox said the following... Ni> Ah, it's okay. I saw the site came back up. I gave it a try, but Ni> TW2002 would just hang when I tried to run it. Maybe I did something Ni> wrong.. I'll try again at some point. I managed to get TW2002 running on my Mystic board with dosemu2 this morning. I had to set it to use the standard comm port routines, as it wouldn't display anything to the screen when set to use a fossil driver. Strange, as all my other games use the fossil driver with no issues. There was some dosemu gunk that got printed to the screen as the game closed out, but it seemed to run great otherwise. -ZR .... (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/04/26 (Linux/64) * Origin: / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC (21:4/177) .