Subj : HPT To : Zip From : TassieBob Date : Sun Jul 10 2022 06:00 pm Hey Zip, Ta>> node 21:3/100 -4 pass,pass,pass - Ta>> node 1337:2/100 -4 pass,pass,pass - Zi> Try changing this to 21:3/100@fsxnet and 1337:2/100@tqwnet, and also make Zi> sure to include the domain in your address lines if you haven't already, Zi> e.g.: Zi> address 21:3/169@fsxnet Zi> address 1337:2/@tqwnet Tried that (but tried it again, just in case I pooched it up the first time). I didn't have any luck, but I'll do some more fiddling... Zi> see if that makes any difference, as one blurb in the config Zi> says Zi> that: Zi> # If the first address is specified as a 3D/4D address, its domain will be Zi> # taken from the domain defined in the first "domain" line. If more Zi> addresses # are specified as 3D/4D ones, their domain will be taken from Zi> the first # address. Zi> The last part there might be why it "borrows" the fsxnet domain for your Zi> additional addresses (1337:2/). Yeah, that's what made me try it originally. Zi> I have added "" to my config, although I see now that it Zi> doesn't Zi> seem to resolve my address: Zi> host Zi> Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN) :-( Ta>> Am I wrong in assuming I should be able to send netmail to a node Ta>> listed in a node line without needing a style lookup or Ta>> nodelist? Zi> Yes, I think so. Zi> And if you want binkd to be able to send to any node (e.g. for crashmail), Zi> you would add something like: Zi> defnode * Zi> the end. But this of course requires that the root domain has been Zi> set for each network so that it can resolve the FTN address to an IP Zi> number. I have defnode setup, but not the root-domain bit. Zi> Hope this helps! Has given me some pointers towards things to look at - muchly appreciated. Cheers, Bob. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504 * Origin: TassieBob BBS (21:3/169) .