Subj : Mystic Pi Year of the Rabbit To : All From : Mystic Pi BBS Date : Wed Aug 09 2023 02:02 am _________________________________________ / Once upon a time there was a beautiful \ | young girl taking a stroll through the | | woods. All at once she saw an extremely | | ugly bull frog seated on a log and to | | her amazement the frog spoke to her. | | "Maiden," croaked the frog, "would you | | do me a favor? This will be hard for | | you to believe, but I was once a | | handsome, charming prince and then a | | mean, ugly old witch cast a spell over | | me and turned me into a frog." | | | | "Oh, what a pity!", exclaimed the girl. | | "I'll do anything I can to help you | | break such a spell." | | | | "Well," replied the frog, "the only way | | that this spell can be taken away is | | for some lovely young woman to take me | | home and let me spend the night under | | her pillow." | | | | The young girl took the ugly frog home | | and placed him beneath her pillow that | | night when she retired. When she awoke | | the next morning, sure enough, there | | beside her in bed was a very young, | | handsome man, clearly of royal blood. | | And so they lived happily ever after, | | except that to this day her father and | \ mother still don't believe her story. / ----------------------------------------- \ \ // // (") (") *(__) (__)* --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Mystic Pi BBS (21:1/145) .