Subj : Mystic Pi Year of the Dragon To : All From : Mystic Pi BBS Date : Sun Feb 18 2024 02:03 am _________________________________________ / The Bulwer-Lytton fiction contest is \ | held ever year at San Jose State Univ. | | by Professor Scott Rice. It is held in | | memory of Edward George Earle | | Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), a rather | | prolific and popular (in his time) | | novelist. He is best known today for | | having written "The Last Days of | | Pompeii." | | | | Whenever Snoopy starts typing his novel | | from the top of his doghouse, beginning | | "It was a dark and stormy night..." he | | is borrowing from Lord Bulwer-Lytton. | | This was the line that opened his | | novel, "Paul Clifford," written in | | 1830. The full line reveals why it is | | so bad: | | | | It was a dark and stormy night; the | | rain fell in torrents -- except | | | | at occasional intervals, when it was | | checked by a violent gust of | | | | wind which swept up the streets (for it | | is in London that our scene | | | | lies), rattling along the housetops, | | and fiercely agitating the scanty | | | | flame of the lamps that struggled | \ against the darkness. / ----------------------------------------- |02 \ / \ //\ \ |\___/| / \// \\ /0 0 \__ / // | \ \ / / \/_/ // | \ \ @_^_@'/ \/_ // | \ \ //_^_/ \/_ // | \ \ ( //) | \/// | \ \ ( / /) _|_ / ) // | \ _\ ( // /) '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\.-~ .-~~~^-. (( / / )) ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `. (( // / )) '/\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \ (( /// )) `. { } / \ \ (( / )) .----~-.\ \-' .~ \ `. \^-. ///.----..> \ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~-- ,.-~ /.-~ --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Raspberry Pi/32) * Origin: Mystic Pi BBS (21:1/145) .