Subj : Thinking of posting a code a week To : apam From : Richard Menedetter Date : Sat Sep 23 2017 05:16 pm Hi apam! 16 Sep 2017 17:23, from apam -> Avon: ap> I've been toying with the idea for some time to add encryption to ap> Magicka, not PGP, but just ordinary key based encryption where the ap> sender and receiver both know the key. Why not GPG/PGP? They already exist, have been peer reviewed security wise and have key distribution in place. What do you gain by inventing the wheel again (just worse). (Read Phil Zimmermanns comments about his first try, and then reading it as an example of how NOT to do it ... security is hard, and it takes many tries and tons of review by security experts to get it up to a useable security level) ap> Might be fun, but I don't know that it would be much use. I do not really see the usecase. Regarding one of the follow up replies, I am shocked that anybody uses telnet any more in 2017 ... As long as that is the case, forget encryption and work on eradicating that failure of history! CU, Ricsi --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: Optimist laugh to forget - Pessimists forget to laugh. (21:1/104) .