Subj : Anyone using PGP/GPG in here? To : Vk3jed From : pixelheresy Date : Mon Nov 05 2018 07:19 am Now a days (beyond what may be available in Mystic... I admittedly never made the jump to actually running a board), PGP/GPG encryption in readily available in most computing if you look. PGP or GPG tools are available on the OS level for everything and frankly the standard GPG for Mac/Linux on the command-line is quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. As such, any arbitrary text, binary, whatever, can be signed either in armored text or binary (or detached armored sigs, or using multiple public keys so it can be opened by any number or recipients, etc.). Thunderbird has some good stuff, but GPG Suite (although it has a "support fee" e.g. a major version registration/license cost for the non-GNU tooling) for Mac works well if you like the default "" client. Beyond that, there are plenty of online mail services that have free-to-cheap mail services with PGP/GPG enabled. I am in the process of migrating to Protonmail and had no problem setting up better keys in it than "factory default" (4k hashes rather than 2k hashes). This comes with the security of having two-factor for webmail and a secure mobile client (also, being able to send expiring elliptical cypher messages to any email, even if you don't have or *they* don't have a public key is kind of fun). Also on iOS I recently got PGP Encrypt, which is a keyboard extension, key manager, and arbitrary encryption tool (text <--> GPG). Haven't played with it much, but could be a nice way to do something quick and dirty in cases where you want to "on-off" a sensitive text message or encrypt the content on a web form... I remember back in the day, I used to see a lot of people putting keys or links to them in sigs, etc. but now it seems like either email is seen irreverent or people seem secure with Google handling everything... No idea. pixelheresy (pixelheresy at pm dot me) ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A39 2018/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: Black Flag (21:1/112) .