Subj : Re: Anyone using PGP/GPG in here? To : StackFault From : Vk3jed Date : Fri Nov 09 2018 09:38 am -=> On 11-08-18 07:09, StackFault wrote to Vk3jed <=- St> I have a huge automation side, whatever can be automated is or will be St> at some point. The encryption however have always been a darker area, St> you don't want to automate it too much for a client based application. St> Passphrase is a good example, I like long passphrases just because it St> is faster to type as opposed to shorter passwords with symbols. Even if St> you automate it, you still need to type it, thus breaking the St> automation workflow. It can make things simpler to use however... Yes, passphrases should be manually entered for security reasons. That one makes sense. The Bluewave add-on did all of the PGP command line work in the background, according to what options were selected. Passphrases were always entered manually, when required. St> These days, my GPG integration with Mutt is working very well, this is St> running smoothly but this is not for everyone... Setting it up can be a St> pain, luckily all my setups are scripted so it's a breeze now... It St> probably took me a full day to get it to a level I am happy with... Well, I'm happy with Enigmail on Thunderbird, and I'd like to get something working in an offline reader again. Could probably script something that uses GPG and Multimail under Linux, but Windows would be more of a challenge. .... The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier. === MultiMail/Win v0.51 --- SBBSecho 3.03-Linux * Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia (21:1/109) .