Subj : A Must-Read List of Security Books To : Ogg From : BitByter Date : Wed Jun 03 2020 08:32 am l$$_,ggggg,_ $ :$$lll$S#*s,._ ::$$_., ;$$$±°±$$ll Users Welcome $$l__., ,.__ `üÊl l$$ll_.,Âg#S$$$$ ll$$Êü`` __., l°$_.,Âg#S$$$$| l$$$$S#gÂ,._$$l:: d°PÊü````ü$$$ _.,Â! :$$PÊü`````l$$l l$$l¼"```üÊS$$$ggggg:$l$$ll$$ll$PÊü`````l UseNet $$l d$$° :$$$ $$$: °$$l l$$`l°²$ll$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l °$3$$ 0 Apr 20 22:12, you wrote to $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yy: et[mVkradio-net l$$l ü` ,d$°$$ll$°$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$> I wasn't surprised to see Clifford :$$ll ~``üÊSllSÊü"```"üÊS$$; _,g`üÊÊÊü' :$$SÊü"``~~ book Cuckoos Egg on the _,d$$$$yyyll> list. It reads like fast-paced thriller. Stoll pioneered many of the Og> first methods of tracking hackers. So, it you say you don't have Og> time to read, Stoll's book might convince you to make time. ;) I've read that one several times. I consider it time well spent. BitByter --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 # Origin: Phoenix BBS * (21:4/105) þ Synchronet þ fsxNet FTN<>QWK Gateway --- þ Synchronet þ Havens BBS * Origin: fsxNet FTN<>QWK Gateway (21:4/10) .