Subj : RE: Updates tonight To : beardy From : NuSkooler Date : Tue Aug 16 2022 11:26 pm beardy around Wednesday, August 17th... Be> Actually, with this being in your own theme -- make sure the %VM3 MCI is the correct color and that your theme.hjson's values are how you want them to be as well. It may be showing your text, but in black... -- |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07" |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03l33t|08.|03codes |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08) |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.13-beta (linux; x64; 16.16.0) * Origin: Xibalba -+- (21:1/121) .