Subj : RE: unicode/cp437 door To : bugz From : NuSkooler Date : Sat Apr 03 2021 10:42 am On Thursday, April 1st bugz muttered... Bu> In core/door.js, I tried doing something like this: Bu> doorDataHandler(data) { Bu> if ('raw' === this.encoding) { Bu> this.client.term.write(data); Bu> } else { Bu> this.client.term.write(decode(data, this.encoding)); Bu> } Bu> } Sounds like you already found a work around via ACS, but you were on the right track here. When the external process is spawned we disable all encoding so everything is "raw" between ENiG and the process. The handler you have above takes that raw |data| and decodes it based on the specified encoding -- on the way out back to the client's term it has to be re-encoded to whatever their term specified. e.g. PID -> UTF-8 -> Decode to JS/Unicode -> Encode CP437 -> Terminal This is used successfully in a lot of setups, so I'd have to have more details as to why it's not working for you I guess -- assuming the work around isn't too much of of a PITA/you want to muck with it more :) -- |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07" |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03l33t|08.|03codes |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08) |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; x64; 14.15.4) * Origin: Xibalba -+- (21:1/121) .