Subj : enigma on M68K linux To : vorlon From : Oli Date : Thu Jan 19 2023 04:56 pm Hei Vorlon, vorlon wrote (2023-01-19): >> Unfortunately nodejs will most likely never run on m68k. v> It was just a excuse to see if it would... If I could program, then it v> would have been something to do... Alas, I'm not... I'm glad you did. I was not aware that nodejs / V8 is so damn picky about the CPU. I thought it would compile on any Linux / BSD. But unfortunately that is the way the web devs / companies are heading for quite some time. Creating libraries and web sites / apps on monstrous JavaScript frameworks. Wasting so much resources that you need very performant JS engines and faster computers. They don't see why you want to run nodejs on legacy devices, especially not on very very old retro computers like an Amiga ;). Is there a portable V8-less and compatible alternative to nodejs? ⁂ --- * Origin: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. (21:3/102) .