Subj : Re: enigma 1/2 sysop managment within board To : NuSkooler From : bbsing Date : Tue Sep 19 2023 01:14 am On 21 Apr 2023, NuSkooler said the following... Nu> bbsing around Saturday, April 22nd... Nu> Bb> Does anyone know if there are sysop management functions within the Nu> Bb> enigma BBS? Nu> Bb> I know on some BBS systems sysops can manage aspects of the board wit Nu> Bb> doing backend changes, .. well at least I think thats how it used to Nu> Nu> What type of functions are you looking for? I was thinking about total management of the BBS system. Could be changing art work, menus, adding or removing message areas (forums), a drop to backend, just about all aspects. I wanted to lock down all other access to the system except for the web front end, and manage as much as possible via the bbs itself. I have a ways to go with my enigma setup, and i'm in the middle of a move so my lab is still offline, but when it comes back on I hope to get back into it. Is there an option for mysql, mariadb, posgresql as the enigma database? I'll try to write a system to integrate with my older phpbbs to synce the message areas and mchat functions into enigma. If a users on the phpbbs side posts a message it will show up in enigma 1/2, and if a user on the enigma posts a message in a forum it will show by the same user in the phpbbs. If syncing is too difficult then I'm just going to do a one time merge from phpbbs mysql databse into the sqlite enigma database. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64) * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * (21:1/172) .