Subj : RE: Mystic and Enigma side-by-side To : Patch From : NuSkooler Date : Mon Oct 16 2023 10:58 am On Friday, October 13th Patch was heard saying... Pa> One immediate question that I have, can you manually pass a connection Pa> from mystic to enigma in the 'Doors section? I remember someone doing Pa> this in the BBS days where they could access another BBS by selecting the Pa> option in the 'Doors' area, and the caller information was passed and Pa> such ... could Mystic do that? A while back I created a 'door' mod to do this. It's currently mostly untested because the person requesting it lost interest I guess. I'm happy to bring it back up if you'd like to try it. Basically, it allows you to pass (from another board) username info that will automatically create an account on enig so they can just bridge like you describe -- |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07" |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03l33t|08.|03codes |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08) |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2) * Origin: Xibalba -+- (21:1/121) .