Subj : Re: Sorry... To : paulie420 From : Bucko Date : Sat May 28 2022 04:55 pm On 05/28/2022 7:34 am paulie420 said... Pa> LOLZ - I was wondering if this were the Bucko I know. :P Now it makes Pa> sense... guess you figured out how to get outbound r0lling. :P Pa> Nah, never figured it out, but the old set up which I copied the files from ended up still having files in there.. Jeez.. At least it is clean now.. LOL --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.13-beta (linux; x64; 14.19.3) * Origin: The Wrong Number Family Of BBS' - Bucko's Den II (21:4/131.1) .