Subj : Re: Hola To : Adept From : The Godfather Date : Thu Apr 27 2023 08:56 am Ad> If there are no lines, I think I mostly just get anxiety, as I need Ad> mental preparation time for doing things, since I'd hate to hold up the Ad> line. I can tell, haha! It's a process for you more then anything. And to an extent, I am the same way. I don't like standing in longer lines, I'm just being a pill and choosing to support the autistic lady who checks us out at one of the stores we frequent. That and the way they set up the self check out is very corral like. I'm not sure how large this company is but we have a Meijer Grocery/General merch place here that does have the bigger self check outs (with the belt and room to put a cart worth of items on). IF push came to shove, I'd use that I suppose. Ad> that would be political, so if anyone has _any_ objection to the thought Everything can turn political these days so we'll keep it light. Ad> But Redbox is ending? That's sad. I liked Redbox, and would use it if I Ad> lived on the right continent for it. I'm not sure if it's ending *everywhere* but the three by my house have been removed. It's odd because at the same time they were removed I noticed that the "new release" end caps at the Walmarts, Meijers, Targets, and even Best Buy (despite their still (albeit shrinking) large DVD and gaming section, quit updating. They've had the same few movies on the end caps for weeks now. I was always the guy looking forward to Tuesday for the new release movies, then Tuesdays to buy the Blu-ray movies at Best Buy or wherever ... I think everything is going cloud based now, which somtimes is ok but mostly I'm not a fan (the audio quality just isn't the same). Ad> I'd _also_ still be a subscriber to Netflix DVDs, but that service Ad> offers a lot of movies that you can't stream. Copyright law allows for a Ad> little more functional service with DVDs than with streaming. Wait, that service is gone right? We did that for the time it and Blockbuster had it available. We'd add the new release movies to the queue and they'd show up in the mail every Tuesday. Between that and Redbox, I can't tell you how many movies we failed to return or forgot to put back in the mail that we ended up paying in full for. Ad> I like self-checkout, and Redbox is definitely still self-checkout. :) Yes .. only because they got rid of my beloved Hollywood Videos and Blockbusters. I miss those :( |15-|12t|04G |15www|08.|15theun|07dergrou|08nd|07.|08us|15:|0810023 .... Do device drivers need a chauffeur's license? --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/03/14 (Linux/64) * Origin: Telnet 10023 SSH 7771 (21:3/165) .