Subj : Re: Honda To : poindexter FORTRAN From : Hustler Date : Sat Jun 03 2023 07:54 am Re: Re: Honda By: StormTrooper to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat Jun 03 2023 09:24 am pF>> My mom bought a 2016 Civic, and I've always thought of them as being pF>> cheap, dependable cars. Mechanics talk about 2002-2006 civics like St> Not sure about the cheap part, cheap and cheerful here was always toyota. St> Honda had more of a spunk factor. I think the dependable, and low St> maintenance hales from earlier days... civics had that kind of rep here in St> the late 70s early 80s I guess... Honda has come a long way since it's beginnings. So has toyota. These vehicles became popular during the "gas crunch" years. Gasoline went from .45 cents a gallon to 2 bucks. US car manufacturers had no answer for this severe problem. Yes both Honda and Toyota were considered "cheap crapy" cars but they sold like hotcakes because of the great gas millage they got. The Volkswagon Beetle was the only vehicle that came close. My HS pal had one. You could put 2 bucks of gas in this thing and drive it for 3 days. I had a Chevy that I got 8 miles on 2 bucks. HeHe. --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS 21:1/194 (21:1/194) .