Subj : 2026 Infrastructure Bill in US; self-driving+ To : Ogg From : Arelor Date : Wed Jun 07 2023 06:39 pm Re: 2026 Infrastructure Bill in US; self-driving+ By: Ogg to Arelor on Wed Jun 07 2023 06:41 pm > WHAT is the "the uncertainty" of vehicles in Spain all about? There is political preasure enough that people is worried tolls will make vehicles impractical. There are lots of talk about tolls for entering and going out of towns, tolls in public roads and highways, that sort of thing. Politicians talk about it so much that you can be certain they will end up placing a toll for visiting the toilet. The question is *when*. Past that point I doubt you will want to get caught with a car. There is also a lot of talk about creating restricted traffic zones in which only new cars are allowed. The issue is if you buy a car today they may modify the restrictions in the near future so you won't be able to drive it to the places you want to drive through. Practical example: if your job is in a different town than your home and there is no public transport connecting them both, and your workplace is in a planned restricted zone, a car you buy today might not be allowed near your workplace in a matter of a few years. There are some scheduled roadmaps put by politicians, but trust on politician's promises is running very low. Nobody can afford vehicles that are future-proof beyond a select wealthy few. The end goal for politicians is to have all the light vehicles be electric, but right now virtually nobody can afford those. Heck, a number of people is having trouble getting food and diapers for their family already. The will for taking risks buying something expensive they may ban is at an historical minimum. -- gopher:// --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (21:2/138) .