Subj : Re: Submarine Deaths To : tenser From : Hustler Date : Fri Jun 23 2023 06:43 am Re: Re: Submarine Deaths By: tenser to HusTler on Sat Jun 24 2023 01:03 am > > So why do you think caused the Titan to implode? I think it was the > > So why do you think caused the Titan to implode? I think it was the > > carbine fiber the vessel was made of. I also think shortcuts were taken > The thing had been criticized for years as unsafe, and > they actively resisted getting any sort of safety > certification, with now-tragic results. In the clarity Why do these things happen when "citizens" are the passengers? This catastrophy is reminent of the space shuttle. |12HusTler --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 * Origin: -- information is power. (21:4/122) .