Subj : Re: Submarine Deaths To : tenser From : Hustler Date : Fri Jun 23 2023 03:01 pm Re: Re: Submarine Deaths By: tenser to Hustler on Sat Jun 24 2023 03:28 am > This was a private vessel operating as part of a for-profit > venture providing, effectively, deep-sea tourism. Who else So if Elon Musk blows up on his next space journey it's on him eh? > These people paid obscene amounts of money to descend to the > wreck site of the Titanic and do what, exactly? Gawk at the > I mean, a migrant boat capsized in the Mediterranean last week > and hundreds of people died, but we didn't see wall-to-wall > coverage of that. 250,000.00 a pop. They had to sign papers that warned them of this thing. It's goin to take a while but I'm really curious about the shape of this thing. It's shape and what it was made of. Today they said the thing was cracking and they were trying to abort. |12HusTler ....What do you think management's real interests are? --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 * Origin: -- information is power. (21:4/122) .