Subj : Proxmox 8 is out... To : niter3 From : Tracker1 Date : Sun Jul 09 2023 05:10 pm ta>> I dislike cloud virtual machines, but I get why companies do it. I ni> Do you, because it seems if you run a 5 year forecast seems quite more ni> expensive then keeping it local if datacenters are available, which in our ni> case they are. Depends on the use case... if you're able to leverage services on demand and have peak loads that are infrequent, it can be less expensive than a bunch of servers that may be mostly idle. Of course, developing against cloud services is a different story, which can have both benefits and risks. ni> Some will argue employment requirements would need to increase, but I'm ni> sure in some circumstances you could outsource some of this work too. It varies... My experience with outsourced work has been relatively low quality, with a lot of cleanup/maintenance that becomes more difficult over time. Will vary from company to company, but that's just my take. For smaller one-off work it can be a good option though. ni> I don't know, being a former server admin, I do hate to see it go to the ni> cloud. Cloud stuff still needs a lot of server administration, it's just the servers/services/tools change. Instead of bash scripts or ansible you may be more focused on Cloudformation or Terraform... Instead of ESXi or direct hosts it may be Kubernetes or individual services. A lot of it, assuming you stick closer to just VMs is effectively the same as self-hosting, but you don't need to wait 2+ weeks to get a new server deployed to a data center. You also don't have to worry about replacing dead hardware. It just comes down to rented servers and services that you don't have to deal with some of the lower level issues. -- Michael J. Ryan +o --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: Roughneck BBS - (21:3/149) .