Subj : Re: Keep cool USA and European folks To : Adept From : esc Date : Tue Jul 18 2023 09:27 pm Ad> San Francisco is super odd. The west side might be nice and cloudy, with Ad> Karl (the fog) keeping things cool, and the east side is sunny and Ad> getting somewhat hot. And it'll be like that for days in a row. I lived in Pacifica for a while and worked in Palo Alto. The commute was terrible, but I got to enjoy the cool damp/foggy mornings, sunny lunchtimes, and mild evenings by the beach. It was pretty idyllic. Ad> That said, in Wisconsin, a lack of screens means you _will_ be eaten Ad> alive by mosquitos. In Germany, yeah, things fly in occasionally, there Ad> _are_ some insects around, and getting the occasional stinging insect in Ad> the house is a definite risk, but the level of annoyance is Ad> significantly lower. Sometimes at my house I like to leave the floor to ceiling windows open to get a nice breeze. My wife believes doing so will wind up with our house completely invaded by bugs. It's...silly. lol. We really don't have many bugs here at all. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64) * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (21:4/173) .