Subj : Re: Kevin Mitnick To : Adept From : paulie420 Date : Mon Jul 24 2023 06:47 pm Ad> ni> Just came across some sads news on Kevin Mitnick. Ad> ni> He just passed away due to cancer.... Ad> Ad> This was news to me. Kinda interesting to be getting news from a BBS, Ad> these days, though I guess I was a bit out of the loop due to traveling. Yea; I saw the news on one of my tech sites first, but did see it going around the bbS bases too. :/ Sucks. Ad> But evidently his wife is pregnant. I'm kind of wondering if they Ad> decided to go for a kid after he got the diagnosis. It would seem that way - I do know that it was a year-long battle; one of the worst diseases known to humans... F C. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbs>>> (21:2/150) .