Subj : Re: Intel NUCs To : Adept From : Nightfox Date : Wed Aug 16 2023 02:00 pm Re: Re: Intel NUCs By: Adept to Nightfox on Wed Aug 16 2023 03:59 pm Ad> I deliberately avoid going to Amazon. And generally pay a price to do so, Ad> with varying levels of success. Ad> But it's a challenge. There are a variety of things I really dislike with Ad> Amazon (on a per-purchase basis, rather than a general, "this is bad" Ad> sense, like their forcing people to have higher prices on their own Ad> sites.). Ad> E.g., how they'll bin products. So you can have one reputable supplier, Ad> and one scummy supplier. Neither pays the extra fee to separately bin Ad> their products. Scummy supplier gives product that's of lower quality / Ad> less tested / whatever. Reputable supplier does not. Ad> Person orders, choosing the reputable supplier, but is given one of the Ad> items from the scummy supplier. That makes sense when buying from the 3rd-party sellers. A lot of what I buy from Amazon is from Amazon themselves rather than 3rd-party sellers. I tend to be weary of 3rd-party sellers, though on the occasions I have bought from 3rd parties (used movies & music, etc.), generally they have been okay, and accepting returns if the item is bad. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .