Subj : Re: testing To : dragon From : Zip Date : Mon Aug 21 2023 09:07 am Hello dragon! On 20 Aug 2023, dragon said the following... dr> I am just not finding alot of tutorials on Enigma. It's been so long dr> since I ran a BBS, I have forgotten everything. I have noticed there are dr> a few more examples, tutorials for Mystic, so I have been kinda using dr> that as a ref and others. I'll get there, i'm just a bit slow these dr> days. lol. dragon Sounds great! We're all a little slow these days. :-D For me, it was roughly 25 years since I last setup a BBS. Add a different BBS software package and a different operating system to that and that took some time... Best regards Zip --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64) * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (21:1/202) .