Subj : Re: Quick reminder.. To : Spectre From : Vorlon Date : Thu Sep 21 2023 10:18 am Hi Spec, On Wednesday September 20 2023, Spectre said to Vorlon: S>> forgotten about in that script, and I added entries manually through S>> the back end. I'll have to revisit it... Vo>> Yes I was trying to add my bbs to your list... It just didn't like Vo>> me/it! S> Subsequent testing has shown. It doesn't like apostrophes in the data S> much. I was also unable to get it to add "Dragon's Lair", although it S> was happy enough to add a test system with no contentious characters in S> it. Down with the apostrophes I say!. S> I don't know enough to decide if this is a PHP problem, or an SQL S> problem. Either way for now it'll have to continue the way it is. It S> did remind me, that although the option is there to do so, the edit Have yo done any googling to find somethat that's already out there to do the job? \/orlon aka Stephen Rocking FSXnet with an Amiga 4000 and Zeus BBS. --- Zeus BBS 1.5 * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair --:- Prt: 6800 (21:1/196.0) .