Subj : Re: AI and BBSing To : hollowone From : unc0nnected Date : Wed Sep 27 2023 09:17 pm ho> Yeah.. it's quite neat. Once you get used to scroll back to grab back ho> the whole history to local file, it may become your favorite chatgpt ho> client. Definitely blew away my expectations for a GPT interface on a BBS but got a long way to go before it replaces the web experienced with all of my past conversations on the left and the GPT 4 apps available from the drop down. But it has me thinking about places one can take it. One challenge is the resolution / font size one usually uses on a BBS forces you to do to a metric tonne of scrolling to go back through the conversation. Unc0nnected @ Bottomless Abyss BBS ®¯ --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64) * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * (21:1/172) .