Subj : Re: EVs To : Adept From : Dr. What Date : Fri Oct 20 2023 07:26 am -=> Adept wrote to Dr. What <=- Ad> I guess? I mean, cars still pollute in a variety of other ways. Though, Ad> really, the better long-term solution is trains, since they're wildly Ad> more efficient. The problem is that the passenger train infrastructure has long been dismantled with the exception of some long-range travel. Ad> That said, while I'm unlikely to be directly injured from a higher Ad> carbon dioxide level, there _is_ the fairly-well-documented history of Ad> the planet where spiking carbon dioxide levels has lead to (or, at the Ad> least, is very strongly correlated with) apocalyptic species die offs Ad> something like 6 times in the history of the Earth. They are somewhat correct. When that asteroid hit the planet, it set all the trees on fire, which caused CO2 to rise dramatically. But the CO2 rise wasn't the cause of the problem. Ad> But that's just carbon dioxide facts, No. That's CO2 propaganda. .... I'd love to, but I'm touring China with a wok band. ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52 --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: cold fusion - - grand rapids, mi (21:1/616) .