Subj : Re: EVs To : poindexter FORTRAN From : StormTrooper Date : Fri Oct 27 2023 06:51 am pF> Tha amount of people paying 3x what I paid for a used EV to drive pF> around a SUV or Ford truck would undercut that assumption. I'm pF> surrounded by moms driving 1 or 2 kids around in new-ish 7 passenger pF> behemoths. Shrug. The arse tends to fall out of EV prices faster due to battery longevity concerns. Newish? It's still probably already depreciated some ~40% from new. The type of vehicle is going to be horses for courses... I happen to have one of those horrible 7 seater beasts... I have it not because I fill it with people on a daily basis, but because if I have to move the whole family in one go it's the only way without taking 2 vehicles. On the flip side the thing I have is only a 4cyl powered job. ST --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Storm BBS (21:2/108) .