Subj : Re: EVs To : Spectre From : Adept Date : Fri Oct 27 2023 01:23 pm Sp> sliding into gutters... 20Kph is roughly double the accepted running Sp> speed for a human. As always its not the speed that kills its the Nah, I meant sprint speed, when I said, "running speed". And top-level marathon runners average over 20kph for the entire distance. Sp> The bulk of local fatalities have been head injuries (cue Midnight Oil). Sp> Usually younger people, some wrapped around street sign posts, some Yeah. Basically, it's easier to make fatal mistakes while being drunk and acting stupidly on a scooter than being drunk and acting stupidly not on a scooter. Though I'm sure plenty of people have died while sober, and the dangers are why commercial scooter things mention how people should wear a helmet. But I'm probably more scared of cars when on a scooter than I am of going 20kph, even though I'm sure it's a non-zero risk of death. All assuming I'm not wearing a helmet, because I'm unlikely to carry one around with me for these type of things. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Storm BBS (21:2/108) .