Subj : Re: Traffic To : Avon From : Apam Date : Tue Nov 21 2023 06:07 pm -=> On Tue Nov 21 18:40:00 2023, AVON (21:1/101) wrote to Apam <=- > How's parenthood treating you? Still getting some sleep? Can you sing A B C D... in your head when you don't really want to? :) > Yeah, some. I do know "This is my happy face, this is my sad face, this is my angry face....." he's really into the "super simple songs" on youtube, especially "noodle and pals" haha, we bought him a board book from amazon with those characters and he loved it.. to death. Wife being an ex-library assistant fixed it once, but the second time it was time to go... so we ordered two more of the same book :P Andrew === TitanMail/haiku v1.2.4 --- WWIV 5.9.0.development[NetBSD] * Origin: Cabinet of Curiosities - WWIV on NetBSD! (21:1/182) .