Subj : Re: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! To : claw From : boraxman Date : Fri Nov 24 2023 09:25 pm cl> Tomorrow in the US we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. This day we cl> spend thinking about what we are thankful for and seeing friends and cl> family. While eating ourselves in to a coma. I am thankful for all my cl> BBS friends. I was welcomed in to the community and so many people her cl> are enthusiastic about all the same nerdy things I am in to. Its been a cl> great time. I am not sure exactly how long my board has been up now but cl> I know it's been a great time. cl> cl> cl> Even if you aren't in the US I still wish you a happy Thanksgiving. For cl> us its the start of the holiday season. Keep up the BBS world and thank cl> you all so much. cl> cl> DrClaw Thank you, even though in Australia its just another Thursday. We seem to have imported "Black Friday", with many many retailers going on the "Black Friday" bandwagon. It's kind of odd to see this popup without any context. For the US, its the day after Thanksgiving, but here, its just, another Friday. I would like once to have a white Christmas, not one with a long day and warm weather. My younger daughter literally just asked me while I'm typing this, after seeing an ad on the TV, "What is the point of Black Friday?" Greed? Consumerism? --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | (21:1/101) .