Subj : Re: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! To : hollowone From : Arelor Date : Sat Nov 25 2023 05:27 am Re: Re: Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! By: hollowone to Nightfox on Fri Nov 24 2023 10:28 pm > Yep, I try not to judge the stores as then I'd need to judge the people. My business is not that seasonal, but my understanding is that scheduled discount events exist mainly in order to get rid of overstocks. I get it. It has to suck to buy two vans worth of cough tablets and then discover you have not sold half of it by the end of Winter, so you need some scheduled discount event to get rid of as much stock as you can. If just to make space for seasonal Spring products. IMO if retail did finer management then we would not need crazy stock and restock cycles such as this. I suppose it is hard to do at large scale. -- gopher:// --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (21:2/138) .