Subj : Re: I am thinking... To : Spectre From : Nightfox Date : Wed Dec 20 2023 09:25 am Re: Re: I am thinking... By: Spectre to Avon on Wed Dec 20 2023 09:28 pm Sp> I haven't bought a CD in years, not even sure where you could here now, Sp> unless you're buying secondhand ones at a flea market. The last of our Sp> "music" stores closed a couple of years back citing lack of sales. Most of the music stores in my area have closed down too, but there are still a couple in the area. And there's a chain (I think it's a local chain) that specializes in buying and selling used albums. When I buy a CD these days, msot of the time it's from Amazon. I'd occasionally buy one from Best Buy, but I'm not sure they sell CDs anymore. I think Target and Wal-Mart might still sell them though, but I haven't checked in a while. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .