Subj : Re: I am thinking... To : poindexter FORTRAN From : Nightfox Date : Thu Dec 21 2023 04:52 pm Re: Re: I am thinking... By: poindexter FORTRAN to Nightfox on Thu Dec 21 2023 03:55 pm PF> I worked at Eidos Interactive in the late '90s. Our QA manager was a PF> master trader -- we'd trade copies of Tomb Raider for Office licenses, PF> Winamp, WinZIP, you name it... PF> The Winamp guys loved us - it was payware back then, and they sent us a PF> ton of licenses and swag for TR copies. I think I remember hearing about WinAmp being payware, though in all the time I used WinAmp (since 1998, version 2.03 or something), I think it was freeware. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .