Subj : I am thinking... To : Accession From : Nightfox Date : Sun Dec 24 2023 11:54 am Re: I am thinking... By: Accession to Nightfox on Sun Dec 24 2023 07:49 am N>> I rarely use my phone's map navigation when I'm driving. I tend to use my N>> car's GPS. And I tend to leave my phone's location turned off unless I N>> really need it. Ac> I definitely use my phone. Vehicles GPSs constantly need to be upgraded, Ac> which dealerships usually charge (quite a bit) for. The ones I have used Ac> don't ever seem to be updated enough for any real-time information, or Ac> have even taken me to the wrong location, etc. Heck, some cars (our newest Ac> vehicle) don't even have their own GPS any more, but instead comes with Ac> Android Auto and Apple Carplay so you can just hook up your phone and use Ac> those features off your phone. You don't have to go to the dealership to upgrade them. It seems it's typically just a flash memory card with recent maps that they need. I bought a new car recently which has GPS, and I bought a SD card for its navigation from eBay for $40, and it works just fine. Also, I find it more convenient than getting my phone out and plugging it in, etc.. But also, I currently don't have a cell phone holder for my car. My car does have Android Auto, but still, I have to get my phone out and plug it in. The Android Auto isn't wireless - but I have seen some USB Bluetooth adapters that let you use Android Auto wirelessly. I just haven't gotten in the habit of plugging my phone in to my car. Ac> Just the other day, coming home from work, Siri told me there was an Ac> accident like 15 miles ahead and gave me an alternate route that saved me Ac> 20 minutes of sitting in bumper to bumper freeway traffic. I can Ac> definitely appreciate that. ;) That is nice. It seems a car GPS can detect heavy traffic, too - I had a GPS in my last car too, and I had a route that I used to drive fairly regularly, and sometimes it would route me differently, and I think it's because it was able to get traffic data from somewhere and route me around bad traffic. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .