Subj : Re: 2023 > 2024 To : fusion From : deon Date : Mon Jan 01 2024 09:31 am Re: Re: 2023 > 2024 By: fusion to deon on Sun Dec 31 2023 02:31 pm Howdy, > mystic can use qwkpoll to import qwk packets that were previously wget-ed. > so you're not stuck with qwkpoll doing ftp internally.. it just wouldn't be > as automagic .. i think mystic by default will do "qwkpoll all" which would > do nothing for a default config, but just automatically work if you add a > qwk hub in mystic -cfg.. whereas you'd have to replace that event with a > script to wget the packet, import it, check it was imported correctly.. have > the script pass along the exitstatus so mystic is happy.. not as clean but > certainly not venturing into hackish territory. For something like mystic, it might just be even more simpler to use binkp...? I'd could even set up to wget normal packets (I actually have all the ground work in place to do this), so that it negates the need to use a mailer/binkp, and I think this would only be worthwhile if you were in scripting territory anyway (like if you were using a non-mailer BBS and didnt want to spin up a mailer to get/send packets)...? ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .