Subj : Re: RIP Niklaus Wirth To : Dr. What From : Nightfox Date : Tue Jan 09 2024 09:26 am Re: Re: RIP Niklaus Wirth By: Dr. What to Nightfox on Tue Jan 09 2024 08:03 am Ni>> One thing that I've found odd is that in some programming forums on Ni>> Facebook & such, there have been some students asking questions and Ni>> saying their instructor was having them use Borland Turbo C++ for DOS - Ni>> And this was well into the 2010s. DW> Colleges are often behind the times on techology. Mostly due to money. 20+ years behind the times though? The colleges I went to (1999-2005) weren't still using DOS computers. And I'd think for something like software engineering, computer science, etc., they'd need some recent stuff in order to prepare students for real-world work, since the technology changes so often and so fast. Nightfox --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: Digital Distortion: (21:1/137) .