Subj : Re: RIP Niklaus Wirth To : Dr. What From : tenser Date : Thu Jan 11 2024 03:05 am On 10 Jan 2024 at 08:18a, Dr. What pondered and said... DW> Which is why those old languages are still out there. FORTRAN, for DW> example, is still used and has been updated. I think we're up to DW> FORTRAN 90 now. Fortran 2018, actually. It only bears a passing resemblance to FORTRAN-77, let along -66 or IV (or earlier). There's an old joke. Q: "What language will scientists and engineers be programming in in 50 years?" A: "I don't know, but it will be called Fortran." DW> But other languages are trying to take over. Julia is a good example DW> here. It's very much like Python, but it's also very fast with a focus DW> on math. A good potential replacement for FORTRAN. DW> DW> At some point, these applications need to be rewritten. Oh, now I will DW> have nightmares about the FORTRAN IV code that I worked on in 1984 that, DW> even though I converted it to VS FORTRAN at that time, is still running DW> and hasn't been rewritten into something more modern. A friend of mine, now retired, is a former architect for high performance systems at Intel (did a PhD in transputers, worked on HPC-stuff his entire career). He likes to say, "Fortran pays my salary." He didn't personally program in it himself, but he had some very convincing arguments about _why_ Fortran was still used and would (and should) continue to be. Not only is modern Fortran actually a pretty reasonable language, it turns out that a lot of the design of the language lends itself to very aggressive optimizations; the aliasing rules, for instance, mean that the compiler can automatically parallalize lots of programs in a way that other languages (so far) haven't been able to match. Also, "the math hasn't changed." All that said, it'll be interesting to keep an eye on Julia and see where it goes. And this is to say nothing about Matlab, Mathematica, and other interactive environments that have Fortran-like languages and are popular in science and engineering. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | (21:1/101) .