Subj : Re: Worky work To : poindexter FORTRAN From : deon Date : Fri Jan 19 2024 10:08 am Re: Re: Worky work By: poindexter FORTRAN to deon on Thu Jan 18 2024 06:50 am Howdy, > I'd just heard that broadcom is getting rid of the "hobbyist" perpetual > ESXi license - which is a huge mistake IMO. I hadnt seen that yet - yeah agree, big mistake. I'm thinking that the concerpt of OS virtualisation is declining as well, so be interesting to see what they do to keep it alive. (Keeping it alive via home admins would have been a smart move - for little cost I would have thought.) > I use ESXi at work, but wanted something with a more liberal hardware > compatibility list than what VMWare offered - I had 4 year old servers > fall off the compatibility list with vSphere! I'm running some old stuff at home. I'm a fan of ESXi, since everything I play with is headless - and ESXi gives me that web interface. Its pretty reliable - I've been running stuff this year for 20+ years... > Proxmox does run well on Pis, and you can get a couple of small VMs > running on a Pi 4 with 8 GB nicely. I've never played with Proxmox (never needed to as I always found a way to get ESXi installed) - but maybe I should... ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116) .