Subj : Taxes To : Accession From : Blue White Date : Sat Jan 20 2024 09:51 am > So my son is 15, and worked a summer job last year. I know for a fact > he didn't make enough to qualify to pay taxes, but my question is.. If > we do a tax return for him, would he then get everything he was taxed > back since he didn't qualify to pay taxes? I do not have kids but worked for a state taxing entity for 25+ years. The answer is yes, he should get it all back so long as he received a W2 from that job that shows that he paid in. If they withheld taxes, they are required to supply a W2 to their employees at the end of the year. --- Talisman v0.51-dev (Linux/armv7l) * Origin: * telnet:2123/ssh:2122/ftelnet:80 (21:4/134) .