Subj : Taxes To : Nightfox From : Accession Date : Sat Jan 20 2024 05:38 pm On 1/20/2024 11:29 PM, Nightfox -> Accession wrote: N> I'm not an expert, but my first thought is, if he didn't make enough to N> qualify paying taxes, he shouldn't have had any money withheld for taxes N> in the first place..  Why was he having money withheld for taxes? Because we had him fill out his W4 as a normal single person with 0 deductions. We had no idea how much he was going to make, and also didn't know if he would clear that threshold. I definitely didn't want him to have to owe at tax time. N> I'd think that if he didn't make enough to pay taxes, he should get a N> refund for whatever was withdrawn..  But then, I'm not a tax expert. I figured and hoped as much. I just wanted some confirmation, seeing as though I couldn't really find anything online that was exactly the same situation. -- Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- Mozilla Thunderbird * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (21:1/200.0) .